Polyrhythms Visualized: All Polyrhythm Pairs Less Than 10 (Coprime Pairs)

Every “irreducible“ polyrhythm pair with numbers less than 10, visualized on a timeline. Try tapping along with both hands and/or feet, and alternating the hand/foot that plays each rhythm. Remember that you can slow down the playback speed on YouTube by clicking on the gear icon, then clicking “Playback Speed“. This could be helpful for the trickier polyrhythm pairs. Each polyrhythm is played 4 times, then twice with the bottom rhythm dampened, twice with the top rhythm dampened, and finally 4 more times with both rhythms at full volume. Two integers are coprime if their greatest common divisor is 1. There are 19 different coprime pairs with both numbers less than 10. 00:00 2:3 00:32 2:5 01:04 2:7 01:36 2:9 02:08 3:4 02:40 3:5 03:12 3:7 03:44 3:8 04:16 4:5 04:48 4:7 05:20 4:9 05:52 5:6 06:24 5:7 06:56 5:8 07:28 5:9 08:00 6:7 08:32 7:8 09:04 7:9 09:36 8:9 Most of the process of creating this video was livestreamed (please forgive the occasional technical hiccups while streaming): Other videos from @AlgoMotion that you might enjoy: ▶ ▶ ▶ ________ Interested in learning more about algorithms and how to program? Here are some useful and/or classic textbooks that I recommend (these are affiliate links, if you buy one, I get a small commission): ▶ “Algorithms” (4th Edition) by Robert Sedgewick & Kevin Wayne: ▶ “Effective Java” (3rd Edition) by Joshua Bloch: ▶ “Python Crash Course, 3rd Edition: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming” by Eric Matthes: ▶ “Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software” by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, & John Vlissides: ▶ “Discrete Algorithmic Mathematics” by Stephen B. Maurer & Anthony Ralston: #music #math #polyrhythms #algorithm #code #visualization #timeline #rhythm #practice #hypnotic #zen #meditative