RAF Archers (1951)

Royal Air Force Archers, Filton, Gloucestershire (near Bristol). MS group of airmen with bows and arrows talking beside aircraft. CU two airmen talking. Two more examining arrows. Group moves off from beside aircraft, pilot gets into cockpit. CU RAF insignia on aircraft - dissolve to - archery target board with arrows going in. Group of archers firing. They walk away and another party takes their place. RAF personnel sitting on grass watching. First group of archers join them. RAF men types looking at bows. MS archers firing. Targets with balloons on them, one balloon bursts as arrow hits it. Archers firing. CU airman looking. MS line of archers firing, plane passes overhead. CU archer looking upwards. MS target with arrows hitting. LS archers firing at target. Group watching. Tracking shot along line of archers firing. Archery team consists not only of airmen, but their wives as well. NB: item also used in Astra Gazette no. 8. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE