Stanleyville Refugees Air Lifted Out (1964)

Congo. Documentation on file, American commentary. Aerial shots from behind helicopter pilot's head of the Congo jungles and swamps near Stanleyville. VS. American plane's bring Belgian Paras to a small airport and stores, ammunition and equipment in quickly unloaded as they prepare for the entry into Stanleyville. GV. Deserted tree lined avenue in Stanleyville. GV. From travelling vehicle through town. VS. Dead bodies of the rebels as well as the innocent people including two American missionaries. MS. Two wrecked cars. VS. Congolese survivors being cared for. VS. At the airport the refugees, mainly Europeans wait to board planes, as they go aboard other refugees arrive some badly injured, others carrying babies and some dead. LS. The American plane that the paras came on takes off with the refugees. VS. At Leopoldville the refugees get off the planes, some have to be escorted for they are in a bad state of shock, the injured are carried off and put into ambulances and the dead are lined up in a hanga