Hymn: Gemma Caelestis - Gregorian Chant | feast of St Benedict, July 11

July 11 is the second celebration of the feast of St Benedict. “Gemma caelestis“ is the hymn sung at 1st Vespers for this feast, the text of which is often attributed to the 11th century St Peter Damian. It is one of two days that St. Benedict is celebrated on the Benedictine calendar. But since his first feast day always occurs during Lent (March 21), it is celebrated again on July 11 (connected with transfer of relics) to allow for the appropriate greater joy and festivity. In addition, Pope Paul VI declared St. Benedict the Patron of Europe at the rededication of the Church at Monte Cassino on July 11, 1964. May he who was “filled with the spirit of all the righteous“ intercede for us and teach all to imitate his virtues as he imitated Christ, filling us with the same virtues, and restore the Church and western civilization once more. (Art work of original St Benedict painting with medals by Nicholas Joseph Lim; Painting of Sts Benedict and Scholastica by Fabrizio) English tra