Zenaq MUTHOS ACCURA 100h Shimano Stella 8000 Daiwa Saltiga 12 Braid EX PE #4 FXR SEAGUAR 5O LB Halco roosta popper 135 47g #SHIMANO #HALCO POPPER #ZENAQ #SPINNING #SHORE FISHING #TUNA FISH Detalji : Mjesto ribolova Lustica Kao i obicno odlazim na svoju omiljenu postu .Jutro je bilo mirno bez vjetra i talasa ,sunacano i nije bas odavalo neke sanse da ce biti ribe .Poslije jedno 3 sata ribanja uglavnom jigovima ,odlucim probati poper .Poslije nekoliko zabacaja dobijam griz tune .Borba je trajala 1 sat. Bila je to zestoka borba s obzirom da se riba zakacila za bok ,tako da sam u jednom trenutku ostao na par metara strune na spuli stala je i polako sam je krenuo vracati ka obali .Imao sam srece sto je taj dan moj otac bio sa mnom i dosta mi pomogao oko vam puno sto pratite moj kanal ,nadam se da cete uzivat u video ! Details: Fishing spot Lustica As usual I go to my favorite post. The morning was calm without wind and waves, sunny and did not give any chance that there will be fish. After 3 hours of fishing mostly jigs, I decide to try popper. After a few tosses I get a bite of tuna. Fight lasted 1 hour. It was a fierce fight since the fish got caught on its side, so at one point I stayed a few meters of string on the spool of the machine. Luckily it stopped and I slowly started to return it to the shore. I was lucky that my father was that day with me and helped me a lot with the draw. Thank you very much for following my channel, I hope you will enjoy the video.