Sergey Gavrilets - Modern theories of human origins and Darwin’s “Descent of Man”

Director of the Center for the Dynamics of Social Complexity. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA. Charles Darwin’s The Descent of Man, published 150 years ago, laid the grounds for scientific studies into human origins and evolution. Three of his insights have been reinforced by modern science. The first is that we share many characteristics (genetic, developmental, physiological, morphological, cognitive, and psychological) with our closest relatives--the anthropoid apes. The second is that humans have a talent for high-level cooperation reinforced by morality and social norms. The third is that we have greatly expanded the social learning capacity that we see already in other primates. Darwin’s emphasis on the role of culture deserves special attention because during an increasingly unstable Pleistocene environment cultural accumulation allowed changes in life history, increased cognition, and the appearance of language, social norms and institutions. Understanding and predicting human behavior requi