Gravefrenzy demo

Gravefrenzy is a short NES game that won 2nd place at the Gravitacja 8-bit Game Jam 2023. Give it a thumbs up if you'd like to see it as a full game! This playthrough was recorded on real hardware using KrzysioCart and a cheap video recorder. Jam topic have two word one is main and one is per team. Main topic was: laska (eng. cane) and second was Grobowiec (eng. tomb) Short story: In the dark world of tombs, the dangerous Anabolic Karen has stolen the walking sticks of the deceased, on which she conducts genetic experiments using Surströmming. In the game, players take on the role of Sir Thumbstone, who confronts the angry undead using hellfire and a sharp dagger. The player's mission is to recover the stolen walking sticks and ultimately defeat Anabolic Karen. download: