Студеникин А.И.-Физика нейтрино.Часть 1- 5. Phenomenon of neutrino mixing

Continuation of the discussion of the phenomenon of neutrino mixing 00:00:15 Repetition of the previous lecture. Solution of the problem. Sterile neutrinos 00:12:47 The probability of the transition of the flavor 1 type neutrino to the flavour 2 type neutrino during the time t 00:19:12 The minimum of the probability under the condition that neutrinos do not escape and evaporate. The method of Lagrange multipliers 00:31:25 The limits on the appearance of oscillation phenomenon are due to coherence 00:43:49 The energy momentum conservation 00:58:14 Observations 01:06:51 The criteria of coherence 01:11:43 The statement of impossibility of observing two peaks in the momentum distribution corresponding to the appearance of neutrinos with masses 1 and 2 Ссылка на плейлист: #физфак #мгу #студеникин #нейтрино #физиканейтрино #neutrino #msu #physics