Pulled Noodles 水扯麵 | 深夜好想好想好想吃麵,那就做一鍋簡單的水扯面,配合五花肉香發財了,太快樂了!!!【日食記Sean’s Kitchen】

#日食記水扯面#水扯面#日食記美食#日食记Sean'sKitchen#日食記shorts 欢迎订阅【日食记cat's kitchen】官方频道👉: 开启小铃铛🔔及时观看专属你的精彩内容哦~ Please subscribe to【cat's kitchen】 Channel on YouTube 👉: Open the little bell🔔 to watch the exclusive content at the first time 💖Thanks For Watching, Like~💖 —————————————————————————————— 水扯麵 | 深夜好想好想好想吃麵,那就做一鍋簡單的水扯面,配合五花肉香發財了,太快樂了!!!【日食記Sean's Kitchen】 Pulled Noodles | Really want to eat noodles late at night... So voila, fried noodles with pork. 水扯麵 深夜好想好想好想吃麵。 我的南方腦袋說:整點快手掛麵。 而我的北方胃說:我要吃現做的! 那就做一鍋簡單的水扯麵,麵劑子丟進冷水裡泡一泡,一拉一扯,口感相當筋道,配合五花肉香發財了,太快樂了 【Chemian(pulled noodles)】 I really want to eat noodles that night. My head said: Do something convenient. But my stomach says: I want to cook something good! Put the dough into the cold water and pull it. The texture is quite strong, and it's too fragrant with the pork belly. The happiness of having a bowl of noodles late at night is incomparable. ------------------------------------------- 一间工作室,十几个人,一只不再流浪的喵。 平时,我是导片子的。在这里,我也会给小伙伴们做做饭,并拍成小­短片,给你们看看。 你的心和胃,由我们来温暖治愈:) —————————————————————————————— 精彩内容推荐↓↓↓ 👉甜一下Sweety 🍰🍨🍦 | 吃点甜的治愈一下吧: ▶hot pot and warm up 火锅美食任你选: ▶传统节日都吃啥 Food in Chinese traditional festival : ▶【深夜一碗面】Midnight Noodles | 暖胃暖心 简简单单: ------------------------------------------------------------ 【 instagram:catskitchen_official 】 【 新浪微博: 】 【 微信平台:rishi-ji 】 【 Himalaya: 】 【 工作联络:sean@ 】 【 BGM见片尾标注噢 】