京成バラ園 4K Keisei Rose Garden 2023 晴 fine day walk

This is a Video I shot in Keisei Rose Garden at rain day. Date of shooting . 今年はバラの開花が早かったため、早咲きのバラはすでに散っているものが多かったですが、遅咲きのバラが見ごろを迎えていました。 Keisei Rose Garden is located in Yachiyo-shi City, Chiba Prefecture. This garden has over 1,600 varieties of roses. Since the roses bloomed early this year, many of the early-blooming roses had already fallen, but the late-blooming roses were at their peak. 0:00 オープニング opening 4:42 八千代緑が丘駅から京