Youjo Senki - AMV - They’ll never take Mosk... WHAT!?!?!?

Hi everyone, I'm back again!^^ Come on, come on! There's plenty of work to do, I have to recover for all those months of poor production!XD Probably you already know it, but since yesterday everyone in the world can watch Youjo Senki movie. To be honest, I expected they went a bit more far with the novels' story, but all considered, probably this movie had been tought since the beginning as a spring between a First and a Second season. But the main problem is that the moment I saw Tanya and 203° joke the Soviets by singing their anthem over Moskow's ruins, I litterally jumped in front of my computer to create this new AMV. Now all I have to wait is they release even GUP's second OVA, and then the real fun will begin. For now, enjoy this brief videoXD See you soon!^_^ ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THE PROPER OWNERS