INGWAR KRES - Kāṣṭhā hārdi (pages of the sound chronicle)

The path of the heart (Skt. kāṣṭhā hardy) is what really drives each of us in life, and no desires, no dreams, and not even material need. And the longer we live, the more we are convinced of this. If this truth is realized by all people, then there will be no more place for wars, sins and lies in the world. Видеоряд включает в себя все лики произведений автора композиций в жанре граве, несколько отрывков из которых представлены в одной дорожке, в произвольной последовательности: Escape from hell (full version); Āryāvarta. Part 1 (full version); Āryāvarta. Part 3 (full version); Samadhi (full version); Samara. Anga 3; Vidāraṇa. Кāṇḍa 1; Vidāraṇa. Кāṇḍa 3; Asava. Dātra 1; Asava. Dātra 4; Abhitapa. Vidhā 3.