Savanto. Multimedia digital Natural-Science laboratory & learning platform

Multimedia digital Natural-Science laboratory & learning platform “SAVANTO in Savantide”в. for children from 5 to 10 years old. Savanto is a little cartoon genius, researcher and engineer who likes to explore the world. The product consists of - 8 laboratories for different subject: Temperature, Light, Sound, Force, Electricity, Acidity, Pulse and Magnetism. - Software in 4 languages: English, French, Japanese and Russian - Booklet with detailed guidelines which contain more than 100 tasks and 40 hours of interactive lessons. Main Advantages of the lab: Based on STEAM principles. STEAM means Science – Technology – Engineering – Arts – Mathematics. All these subject are united and included into the learning program. Difficult terms are explained in simple terms. The learning program gives imparts knowledge of the subjects which will be used in the future. The learning platform combines fundamental science and modern multimedia technologies. And finally, We are the only ones who produce such equipment for children from 5 to 11 years old. To have more information, please visit our web-site