Amoghapasha Mantra ☆ Om Amogha Puja Mani Padma Vajre Tathagata Vilokite Samanta Prasara Hum

Amoghapasa Mantra ☆ | The Infallible Avalokiteshvara | Amoghapasa Mantra ☆ | Infallible Mani Offering Mantra | Infallible Mani Offering Mantra 不空羂索觀音,又稱不空羂索菩薩、不空廣大明王觀音、不空悉地王觀音,密號等引金剛. Amoghapasa Lokeshvara is a multi-armed form of Avalokiteshvara that seems to have been popular in Nepal since the middle ages. The name suggests that he is the Lord of the world with infallible noose which leads suffering sentient beings to enlightenment. According to the Amoghapasa Hrdaya Dharani Sutra, 91 aeons ago Avalokiteshvara received the transmission of this Dharani from Lokeshvararaja Tathagata. Since then he used that Dharani to teach limitless sentient beings. The image of Amoghapasa in its earliest form can be found in the Arya Amoghapasa Sutra preserved in Kaisar Library, Kathmandu. Amoghapasa has one face and wears a saffron dress. Amoghapasa Lokeshvara has eight hands with the right hands. His first right hand in Abhaya Mudra symbolizes that one who practices Astami Brata sincerely protects them from falling into lower realms. The second right hand displaying Varada Mudra shows that those who practice and generate compassion and Bodhichitta receive all desirable objects. The third hand holding Amoghapasa or infallible noose symbolizes that he has infallible skill in means to convert ignorant sentient beings into the path of liberation – using her lasso Amoghapasa ” captures ” whatever one is wishing for, and one’s wishes and desires are completely accomplished and fulfilled. , Amoghapasa can also use her lasso to rope one to the Western Pure Land of Utmost Bliss. The fourth right hand holding a rosary signifies that by the recitation of the six syllable mantras of Avalokiteshvara, one frees oneself from the bondage of samsara – when you recite her name you receive deliverance. Again among his four left hands, one holding a treasure vase signifies that he has the capacity of empowering all the sentient beings into Buddhahood – Amoghapasa uses the nectar contained in this purification vase to completely eliminate the karmic obstacles of any beings regardless of whether they are in the hell realm, hungry ghost realm, or animal realm, their bad karma will be completely eliminated. The second left hand holding a lotus signifies that he frees the sentient beings residing in hell realms from the suffering of intense heat and cold just like a lotus emerges from muddy water -symbolization of rebirth from a lotus, the blossoming lotus eradicates disasters and calamities, eliminates karmic obstacles, and increases one’s good fortune. The third left hand holding a trident signifies that he purifies three poisons of sentient beings i.e. lust, ill will and stupidity. The fourth left hand holding a scripture signifies that he imparts wisdom to the devotees and thereby they attain liberation from cyclic existence. amoghapasam Amoghapasa is able to perfectly and completely accomplish the eradication of disasters and calamities; enhancement of love and respect, and subjugation. Amoghapasa can also be of great help to those involved in legal proceedings. Because his lasso does not fail / disappoint, if you pray to him that your legal case will proceed smoothly, when he throws his lasso out it will ”tie up” and immobilize whatever troublemakers or evil doers you may be involved with. And while these evil doers are ”tied up,” you are not; You are free and will prevail in your legal case, which is a good thing for you. 不空摩尼供養真言 -”Infallible Mani Offering Mantra” Om Amogha Puja Mani Padma Vajre Tathagata Vilokite Samanta Prasara Hum This is the secret offering mantra. Reciting this mantra 3 times is equivalent to making a great offering. When you are out on the road travelling you can recite this mantra three times.