The Stickiest *Non-Sticky* Substance | Veritasium

Adhesives based on gecko skin can hold huge weights – without sticking to anything. References: Russell, A. P., Stark, A. Y., & Higham, T. E. (2019). The integrative biology of gecko adhesion: historical review, current understanding, and grand challenges. Integrative and comparative biology, 59(1), 101-116. – Hajj-Ahmad, A., Suresh, S. A., and Cutkosky, M. R. (June 6, 2021). “Cutting to the Point: Directly Machined Metal Molds for Directional Gecko-Inspired Adhesives.“ ASME. J. Micro Nano-Manuf. – Kerst, Capella F., “Gecko inspired adhesives : permanent practical manufacturing, new materials, and applications,“ PhD Thesis, Stanford University, December 2020. – Suresh, S.A. “Engineering Gecko-Inspired Adhesives.“ Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, 2020. [Online]. – Suresh, S.A., Kerst, C.F., Cutkosky, M.R., Hawkes, E.W. “Spatially variant microstructured adhesive with one-way friction.“ Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 2019. – Glick, P., Suresh, S.A., Ruffatto III, D., Cutkosky, M.R., Tolley, M.T., and Parness, A. “A soft robotic gripper with gecko-inspired adhesive.“ Robotics and Automation Letters. 2018. – Christensen, D.L., Hawkes, E.W., Suresh, S.A., Ladenheim, K. and Cutkosky, M.R., “µTugs: Enabling Microrobots to Deliver Macro Forces with Controllable Adhesives,“ IEEE/ICRA 2015 (preprint). – Hawkes, E. W., “Applying Dry Adhesives to the Real World,“ Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, 2015. –