Captain Fordo and Yoda Defend Sector Four - Star Wars: Clone Wars

Captain ARC-77 “Fordo“ and Jedi Master Yoda defending Sector 4 during the Battle of Coruscant, as depicted in Star Wars: Clone Wars. Captain Fordo was the leader of Obi-Wan Kenobi's personal ARC Trooper unit (Advanced Recon Commandos) within General Anakin Skywalker's 501st Battalion during The Clone Wars and later under Darth Vader during the formation of The Galactic Empire. While the 501st was on the Outer Rim, General Kenobi had ordered Fordo to take a squad to the planet Hypori to rescue seven Jedi & Padawan who had been pinned down by General Grievous & a battalion of B2 Super Battle Droids in the ruins of a crashed star destroyer (the Separatist military leader's first appearance). By the time Fordo's team arrived, Grievous had already slain Padawans, Tarr Seirr & Sha'a Gi as well as Master Daakman Barrek, with Jedi Masters Aayla Secura, Ki-Adi-Mundi, K'Kruhk & Shaak Ti seriously injured. The event led the Jedi to dub Grievous “The Butcher of Hypori“. Despite orders from General Ki-Adi-Mundi to pursue Grievous, Fordo insisted they egress lest the wounded die. Upon returning the injured to Coruscant for medical treatment, Fordo was awarded but refused the Chancellor's Service Medal, instead asking it be awarded posthumously to CT-43/002 (the only Trooper he'd lost in the Battle of Muunilinst). While it was believed Master K'Kruhk had died, he had in fact only entered a deep healing trance. The CIS attacked the city before the Captain could rejoin his Battalion and in the confusion he took command of the Coruscant Guard & other forces in Defense Sector 4. Upon being overrun, Fordo was reinforced by Master Yoda riding a Kybuck (and later Mace Windu, the two covering Fordo's left flank). I've received many requests on my previous video's comments for this (Full Battle of Coruscant - Star Wars). So here y'all go! I think I'll start making clips of all the most epic moments from this terribly underappreciated mini-series. Genndy Tartakovsky's Clone Wars mini-series fills in the gaps between Episodes II & III while leading directly to the opening scene of III. The miniseries was canon (until officially overwritten by Star Wars: THE Clone Wars full series/movie), with storyboard approval from George Lucas himself. Star Wars: Clone Wars is now considered Legends. All content is the property of the respective owners. I make no claim beyond Fair Use. On Facebook -