ベルセルク ロストチルドレン アニメーション【御伽噺】其の弐 (ENG SUB)

BERSERK. LOST CHILDREN: Animated Fairytale Part 2 or the aerial battle between Rosine and Guts. From Rosine's backstory to the end of her flight and featuring the dynamic duo of Puck and Jil. Voiced by @misty_outa, Nora, Hirona, @ArianaArcana , @uluncha3D @harusanachannel and Shinchan. Opening painting - @elisthebirb2357 Last scene matte paintings - @Wizards0nly Upscaling and reencoding - @AtlasBloodfyre Additional 3D and vocals - @uluncha3D Title calligraphy - Nora Cello and vocals - Emma Caterinicchio Electric guitar - Aaron James Penpals cover performed by William Hairston and recorded by @Newoaf SOUNDTRACK: Guts rising from the lake track: Animation, music and sound design by me but without everyone mentioned above none of this would've worked. Special thanks to my patrons as well. ニコニコ動画: NEWGROUNDS: VHS reencoded version by @AtlasBloodfyre Thank you for watching and Happy New Year. PATREON: BANDCAMP: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: SOUNDCLOUD: