❣️ MultiSub《戰神獨寵小甜妻》EP1 #趙露思 毒舌小白花攻略超級戰神 #吳磊 💖 糖分超標 🍬🍬🍬 #徐嬌 #郭濤 #曾黎 #李昀銳 #余承恩 #陳意涵 #zhaolusi #wulei

✨ 歡迎訂閱 Welcome to Subscribe ✨ 華語中劇天天看 📺 @ChineseDramaEveryDay?sub_confirmation=1 💿《戰神獨寵小甜妻/Warrior's Sweetheart》FULL PLAYLIST 👉 📺 Drama Name:戰神獨寵小甜妻 | Warrior's Sweetheart 🎬 Episodes: 28 💌 Synopsis: 程家女名少商(趙露思飾),因戰亂自幼被父母留在祖母身邊成為「留守兒童」,嬸娘狠心縱容,意圖將其養成廢人。面對重重陷阱,程少商為活命,假荒誕、真苦學,掩蓋鋒芒等待父母歸來。可撥開烏雲見月明時,卻因多年疏離致使親情已難再拾。缺愛的程少商,遇新帝義子凌不疑(吳磊飾)、白鹿山才子袁慎(李昀銳飾)、世家子弟樓垚(余承恩飾),三人各有優劣。在選擇適婚者上,程少商既自卑又務實,儘管情感之路頗多坎坷,但她從不後悔自己的每次選擇。在與凌不疑的相處之中,也陰差陽錯捲入了凌不疑的家庭與身世之謎中。種種事件,程少商屢立奇功,也從凌不疑的家庭關係中學會與父母相處之道,以及如何經營自己的愛情。同時程少商與凌不疑也在這些經歷中各自變化成長,慢慢與自己和家庭和解,並堅守內心的正義,攜手化解國家危機,成就一段佳話。 The Cheng family's daughter, Shao Shang (played by Zhao Lusi), was left as a “left-behind child“ due to war. Raised by her cruel aunt with the intent of making her useless, Shao Shang faces numerous challenges but disguises her talents while waiting for her parents' return. As she grows older, the emotional distance from her family becomes difficult to bridge. Despite lacking parental love, Shao Shang meets three distinct men: Ling Buyi (played by Wu Lei), the emperor's adopted son; Yuan Shen (played by Li Yunrui), a talented scholar; and Lou Yao (played by Yu Cheng'en), a prominent family's scion. She navigates her choices in suitors with practicality and without regret. Through her relationship with Ling Buyi, she inadvertently becomes involved in his family secrets. Shao Shang achieves remarkable feats and learns how to interact with her parents and manage her love life, growing and evolving through these experiences. Together with Ling Buyi, she tackles family reconciliation and national crises, forging an inspiring tale. 🌟 Ancient Puppet Sweet Drama 🌟 《訴今朝/Echoes of the Ming Era》FULL PLAYLIST: 《神醫小萌妻/Divine Doctor's Darling Wife》Full Playlist: 《撿來的夫君是王爺/The Husband I Picked Up is a Prince》Full Playlist: 《公主馭夫記/The Emperor Loves Me Madly》Full Playlist: 《帝女覃川/Yes, Your Majesty》Full Playlist: 《魔王歸來/The Demon Lord Returns》Full Playlist: 《雲襄戀歌/Love Story of Yunge》Full Playlist: 💎 CEO Falls in Love with Cinderella 💘 《命中注定愛上你/Cure Me, Love Her》FULL PLAYLIST 👉 《千金逆襲之CEO的心尖寵/Cinderella's Counterattack: CEO's Beloved》FULL PLAYLIST 👉 《我的人間暖陽/My sunshine in life》Full Playlist: 《總裁家的小裁縫/The CEO's Petite Dressmaker》Full Playlist: 《以愛之名/In Love's Embrace》Full Playlist: 《替身千金/Substitute Heiress》Full Playlist: 《霸道總裁契約妻/The Overbearing CEO's Contract Wife》Full Playlist: 《追愛大作戰/Battle for Romance》Full Playlist: #吳磊 #wulei #吳宇恆 #liuyifei #肖戰 #李沁 #xiaozhan #liqin #jialing #huangxiaoming #虞書欣 #許凱 #楊冪 #劉詩詩 #湯唯 #朱亞文 #喬振宇 #俞灝明 #張藝興 #layzhang #tangwei #zhangyixing #鄧家佳 #楊怡 #TV #趙麗穎 #佘詩曼 #肖戰 #王一博 #趙露思 #zhaolusi #劉亦菲 #Liuyifei #lixian #李現 #龔俊 #gongjun #迪麗熱巴 #dilireba #yangyang #楊洋 #中國古裝劇 #古裝喜劇 #甜寵劇場 #中國電視劇