Human Parasite Tierlist

Human Parasite Tierlist So I was minding my business scrolling memes on twitter when I came across this image here, yes that is exactly what you think it is, that is hundreds of worm eggs in the brain of a child who ate undercooked pork now the patient obviously but if that wasn’t horrifying enough then theres also this image which is the same parasite, tapeworms except they actually hatched this time and are moving around under his skin in the hundreds. What a lovely thought to have that there could be thousands of wriggling worms under you skin that you are oblivious to all because you cant cook your meat correctly. Now this got me thinking what other horrifying parasites are there that could be festering within me that im unaware of, today we are going to be looking at and ranking different human parasites, we are gonna put them in a tierlist which is a little different from the normal ones we have 4 rankings and then a secondary condition. The secondary condition is just whether I would willingly contract the parasite for $100k but the parasite has to take its full effect before I can have it removed or treated just so no smart in the comments that they will take the mega brain aids parasite but also the dewormer at the same time for 100k. the rankings will go from no change which is fairly straightforward although I doubt many will be in this rank, Manageable change which is for parasites that although I wouldn’t want the symptoms/ effects aren’t going to affect me too much, next is horrifying which as the name implies will be parasites that have very strong symptoms/effects and the final rank is Krill my shelf which ill let you guess what that means. Our first parasite is going to be Balamuthia mandrillaris, I said that and my furniture started floating so ill call it b. mandrill for short, its an amoeba that is found in soil and untreated water. It can infect you through open wounds or through inhalation. This amoeba can cause granulomatous amoebic encephalitis or GAE for short which if you didn’t know is just ehh how do I put this necrotiising abcesses in the brain like this, yea you can see the entire right side is melting away and this is all happening while the patient is alive btw. The symptoms of the disease include, fatigue fever headaches oh and also personality changes I guess when half your brain is melting you might have a few changes in your cognition. The disease is hard to diagnose because it rapidly spreads with a pathogenesis of around weeks to months meaning you are probably dead before you can get the necessary scans and appointments to diagnose this. It has a 90% mortality rate and even if you do manage to survive your brain will be more similar to that of a 90 year old with late stage alzheimers than anyone your own age due to all the brain damage it causes. Yea im gonna have to pass on taking this for 100k and im also going to put it in the horrifying tier as realistically I wouldn’t need to krill my shelf as it would do it for me anyway. Our next parasite is the candiru fish which is also known as the toothpick fish, some of you may have already heard about this fish and know the horror but for the unintitiated this fish swims up the male urethra and due to its spiny and toothpick like shape is almost impossible to take out and causes sharp pain to the groin region. Now if you asked me to think of an animal that should be wiped off the face of the earth im probably going to put toothpick fish right at the top because what was the need to evolve this method of survival hmm. They are basically mosquitos that drink the blood of their hosts to survive and are normally found in the gills of fish where they drink their blood. they inhabit rivers in the amazon basin and locals in the region often tie ligatures around their manhood so that when they travel through the rivers they don’t allow any candiru where the sun don’t shine. Now some say that the candiru in the urethra is a myth and that fluid dynamics wouldn’t allow for them to actually make it there but that just sounds like pro candiru propaganda to me and I think being misled is worth the risk of potentially having to castrate myself which is apparently what some locals did after getting the parasite.