(379) Ben & Rey | I’ll come back sweetheart. I promise. - YouTube

“He finally understood. Han Solo was his past. But Rey was his light.“ ________________________________________________________________________________________ The dyad is strong with this one. I'M NOT SOBBING, YOU ARE! Sorry, but I kept seeing all these quotes from the TROS novelization that gave me all the feels cause HE LOVES HER SO MUCH and I just wanted to use them in a video. I haven't read the full novel yet, but I really want to! The “I'll come back sweetheart, I promise.“ is actually from the TFA novelization, when Rey has the vision of her in the forest, she hears this right before she sees Kylo Ren. They don't confirm that the voice is actually his, but to me it's canon ok! I've never done something like this before so hopefully you can read the text ok and it isn't too distracting! Also call me stupid, but i didn't notice the song just kept looping until i started editing and i was like oh it's kind