Fullstack Notion Clone: 13, React, Convex, Tailwind | Full Course 2023 - Part 3

Discord for any problems/errors/bugs: Github & Live Website: Convex: Clerk: Edgestore: Trunk: Hi all 👋 In this 8 hour tutorial you will learn how to create an end-to-end fullstack notion clone, all with proper notion-style editor, cover images, nested documents, publishing documents to public, real-time database and more. Key Features: - Real-time database 🔗 - Notion-style editor 📝 - Light and Dark mode 🌓 - Infinite children documents 🌲 - Trash can & soft delete 🗑️ - Authentication 🔐 - File upload - File deletion - File replacement Icons for each document (changes in real-time) 🌠 Expandable sideb ... #CodeWithAntonio 20231012 0OaDyjB9Ib8