Tankers from the Center group of troops repelled a counterattack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Tankers from the Center group of troops repelled a counterattack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces In the Avdeevka direction, the crews of the T-72 tanks of the Center group of troops repelled another unsuccessful attempt by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to counterattack the positions of the Russian Armed Forces with fire from closed firing positions. The military personnel received the coordinates of the target from the crews of reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles and, having arrived at pre-prepared firing positions, the tank crews promptly aimed their combat vehicles at the target. Using 125-mm high-explosive fragmentation shells at a range of up to 10 km, they successfully hit the area where nationalist armored vehicles were advancing. The tankers fired at targets proactively, with constant adjustments and control of target hits by UAV crew operators, which made it possible to stop and deploy the enemy armored vehicle column. Semi-direct fire with constant adjustments by UAV crews ... Source: Military Wave