The 3 Levels of Sampling in Justice’s “Cross“

Get started with Tracklib for free: Songs Played are included on my Tracklib playlist, check it out here: The album “Cross“ by Justice from 2007 is an incredible album that uses 3 distinct sampling techniques - but that's not quite what makes this album so good. Let's dive into the samples, the production, and the musical world of Justice's debut album. __________________________________ ► Get the Full Experience on Patreon - ► Digging The Greats Podcast - ► Complimentary Interview Channel - @DiggingTheTalks ► JOIN THE DISCORD - ► Follow me on Instagram: __________________________________ SOURCES Tracklib's breakdown of Phantom: __________________________________ TOPICS COVERED Justice Xavier De Rosnay Gaspard Augé Cross Genesis . NewJack Breakdown Samples Recreation Album Music #musichistory #justice #electronicmusic