Transform your Lighting with Local Volumetric Fog inside UE5

Welcome to this Unreal Engine 5 video tutorial about all things Volumetric fog. We are going to cover the basics of setting up fog in your scene, balancing density and color depending on the lighting in your scene, and we are also going to take a look at local volumetric fog actors and some very usefull shaders and marketplace plugins or Assets that you can use to push your scenes even further. In this video I go over my usual lighting workflow, starting with a basic sky and light setup followed up with Volumetric fog. Resources and Assets mentioned in this video: HDRI Sky Texture from Screen Space Fog Scattering Unreal Plugin by Dmitry Karpukhin Ultra Volumetrics Local Volumetric Fog Asset by bvg Tutorial about how to create a local volumetric fog shader yourself by FLIPSIDE 3D: