James Bond spiral jump stunt

See for detailed information on the design of the stunt This handheld movie sequence is of an actual automobile stunt which was used in the James Bond film 'The Man with the Golden Gun'. The automobile stunt was created in 1970's at Calspan in Buffalo, NY as a validation test for the Highway Vehicle Object Simulation Model (HVOSM) computer program. The automobile stunt was conceived and created by Raymond R. McHenry, , via his HVOSM computer simulation model. The stunt was also used in a travelling automobile stunt show. Also see #spiral #JamesBondStunt #ManwithTheGoldenGun #RolloverStunt #3DCrashReconstruction #msmac3D #McHenrySoftware #HVOSM #SMAC #CrashReconstruction #McHenryConsultants