US Troops Landing in Archangel, Russia. 5 September 1918 [Colorized, 4K]

On 5 September 1918, 106 years ago, the 339th Infantry Regiment of the U.S. Army, as well as the 310th Engineer Regiment, the 337th Field Hospital Company and the 337th Ambulance Company, disembarked in Archangel, Russia. A total of about 5,500 people. At that time, other formations had been making their way south along the North Dvina River and the Archangel-Vologda railway line for a little over a month. The 3rd Battalion of 339th regiment arrived near Obozerskaya, for which there was fighting. More about that in the next videos. Explanations: 1) The footage of Bakharitza was filmed in 1919. The photographs at the very end of the video show captured Bolsheviks, who were met by the Americans on their way to the railway front. 2) About the voices: interviews with the Americans were recorded in the 1970s, 60 years after the intervention. You can always support my work here: Steps for creating this video: — Colorization — ​&#