How to Talk About Your Daily Routine and Activities in French - A2 [with Alicia]

Since we cannot (always) escape the routine, let's learn all the useful vocabulary related to everyday life with this fun lesson! That will allow you to practice and improve your listening as well as your speaking skills! Hope you'll enjoy! Choose one of our subscriptions at and discover how efficient and fun language learning can be. Not sure whether lingoni is the right fit for you? Sign up at for our FREE Trial! Discover our PREMIUM content, including video lessons, worksheets, interactive exercises, vocabulary training, podcasts, and our pronunciation tool. 00:00 Intro 01:03 Chaque matin, je me réveille à 8h pile ! 01:45 Je me coiffe, puis je mets mes chaussures, mon manteau, et je ferme la porte. 02:16 Je dois passer des appels et laisser des messages sur la boîte vocale. 02:57 Parfois, je préfère me balader un peu avant de rentrer, 03:23 Quelques fois, j