The Goat Bagpipes with huge horns - gaida gajda гајда гайда Pajdusko oro

Macedonian goat-head gaidi made by Risto Todoroski, sirulsko@, in Sydney. 1. Song on a billy goat gaida, hardwood sleeved in water-buffalo horn. 2. Folk dance named Pajdusko oro (paidushko oro). Dedo Risto playing high-pitch gaida with frame drums: Risto also makes tapans - Balkan drums - from goatskin, and wooden kavals or flutes for sale. (A note on animal cruelty. These goats are slaughtered for meat by their owners in familiar surroundings. The last thing they do is eat from a bucket of treats. No live transport, no abattoirs. We use the leather instead of throwing it away, as it has been done for centuries by every culture who plays bagpipes from Iran to Scotland. Before casting stones at us for being disrespectful to animals, speak to those who eat factory-farmed burgers. That's a long line of people to get through before you freak out at us. Thanks for visiting!)