Learn the alphabet with The Untamed

I’ve been introduced to The Untamed recently and found out that the community was kinda dead on YouTube - about every Untamed-related content being more than 2-3yo :( but lol I was willing to to this anyway. So here’s basically a cracked Learn the alphabet according to (more or less) the pinyin. I am not fluent in Chinese so I relied on the subtitles, pinyin might also have some mistakes (especially the ǐ letters that are terrible fitting with my editor for some reason, so I just ditched them). But it doesn’t change the video really ┐(゚ ~゚ )┌ anyway I hope you enjoy lol. I intend to make more videos like this with Chinese dramas in the future :3 I do not own any clips in the video, all rights go to WeTV. I only did the editing. Show - The Untamed (2019) / Chén Qíng Lìng 陈情令 Music - Wu Ji by Xiao Zhan & Wang Yibo #theuntamed #chenqingling #weiwuxian #陈情令 #lanzhan #lea