Cryo - Forgotten

+%282%29 LYRICS TO “FORGOTTEN“ BY CRYO in the below. Thanks to Argamae for the good work of writing them down and sending them to me! Cool and stay electrified, Argamae! And so he gazed beyond the horizon. “Is this what we have become?“, he said. “Is this the peak of our civilisation? Metal and concrete? The ink with which we write our history, carved into the earth itself? Commanders of life, bringers of ...death and destruction?“ She stood there, silent. “It doesn't matter“, she finally said. “Nothing ever lasts. In a million years, who then will remember our greatest victories and the failures that followed them? We're but a shadow of a dying star.“ -|- I look outside this wall We never learned our lessons No one still around, for sure To hear my confessions And maybe all we had is lost Our greatest moments all forgotten And all we've bu