РИШАД ШАФИ & “Гунеш“ (Голубой огонёк 1984г.) !

RISHAD SHAFI and its “Gunesh“ (1984) ! Occurrence of RISHAD, has affected and has reversed a musical direction “Gunesh“ which repertoire, at that point in time, consisted of the Soviet and Turkmen songs, becoming STYLISH JAZZ GROUP later! And as consequence, the first successful performance at Foreign Festival «Is green Gura», and suddenly followed invitation to Warsaw, for shootings of a musical film-concert of group! Shootings passed in 2nd studios. It is necessary to add that at this studio removed, for example, performances Tom Jones, “ABBA“, “BoneyM“ Representation at the Bulgarian Festival «Gold Orfej» with translation on all television channels was the following! The first outstanding success has come at sensational rock festival “Tbilisi-80“, on which RISHAD has been noted by the special diploma as the BEST DRUMMER! The next years with group “Gunesh“ has travelled the half-world, having visited as the Eastern Europe (Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary) And in the exotic countries of Asia and Africa (Vietnam, Laos, Mongolia, Afghanistan, Senegal, Mozambique, Guinea and even Cape Verde Islands, nowadays Kabu-Verde) The musical material represented a jazz-rock with the stylish east ethno-smack, based on the difficult odd sizes of the Turkmen folklore rhythms, which RISHAD shifts in MASTERLY Solos! Besides tours on foreign countries, acted in territory of the USSR much! Including at jazz festivals in Yerevan (“Panorama“ 1986г.), Bishkek, Donetsk («X anniversary» 1988), Moscow and Ashkhabad, and as at All-Union festival of popular music in Yerevan (1981) it is awarded by the diploma: the BEST DRUMMER and a costly present! Thanks to bright individuality of the SHOW, Rishad constantly is in sight of mass media! It has allowed to appear often on telescreens, including in the first joint projects - the Soviet TV and the western broadcasting companies (“Jacob's Ladder - Morning Mail“, the Soviet-American program “Happy flight“, etc.) 1976 it is confirmed to the post the SOLOIST виа “GUNESH“ at the State Committee on tele-radio broadcasting! 1988 the Order of the Ministry of Culture it is appointed by the musical head of group “Gunesh“!