Спектакль Рамаяна | Шива Тандава Стотрам | ПритиНатья

Рамаяна Перед большой битвой с Раваной царевич Рама с братом Лакшманом и Хануманом просил благословения у бога Шивы. И Махадэв услышал их искренние мольбы и явился к ним... Ramayan Before the great battle of Rama with Ravana, Prince Rama with his brother Lakshman and Hanuman asked for blessings from God Shiva. And Shiva heard their sincere pleas, and appeared to them. In this piece, the concept of the choreography is based on Bharatanatyam dance form, but the presentation is contemporary. Choreography - PritiNata Song - Maha Shivratri (Shiv Tandav Stotram) Singer - Sankar Mahadevan