The Warning - Dust to Dust (TNRS)

Credits: @TheWarning @PhilAbucay How did I do it? There are 3 tracks. 1 track: The voices of Pau, Dany and Ale, from the concert. 2 track: Original music from the album (QOTMS), without vocals. 3 track: Phil Abucay orchestra. There is no other instrument, apart from what I have already mentioned. Logically, the 3 tracks had to be synchronized, as best as possible. This is not the first time that The Warning has used a support orchestra. Only never, with this song. The idea is to show the potential of the song with a support orchestra. Reference: Wall of Sound (Phil Spector 1960) ¿Como lo hice? Son 3 pistas. 1 pista: Las voces de Pau, Dany y Ale, del concierto. 2 pista: Musica original del disco (QOTMS), sin las voces. 3 pista: Phil Abucay orquesta. No hay más ningún instrumento, a parte de lo que ya réferi. Lógicamente, las 3 pistas tuvieron que ser sincronizadas, lo mejor posible. No es la primera vez