יעקב שוואקי - גוף ונשמה | Yaakov Shwekey - Guf Uneshama

‘Guf Uneshama’ Now available on all platforms - The Single, 'Guf Venshama’ is the theme song from the first EP album that will be released in a few weeks. The song 'Guf Venshama’ deals with the spiritual connection and the common denominator of every Jew, the recitation of “Shema Yisrael“. The song was written and composed by Avi Ohayon, arranged by Matan Dror, and accompanied by a sensitive and moving music video produced by 'OlamMedia'. David Fadida oversees managing the production. Ever since Simchat Torah, a profound sense of upheaval has gripped millions of Jews globally, leaving them with a feeling of groundlessness. In the footage, the boundless anguish in their eyes is evident, yet amidst it all, one constant remains—the anchoring island of sanity for every Jew in any circumstance, at all times, and particularly in recent months. It is the act of covering their eyes and uttering the words of Shema Yisrael, akin to saying, “Lik