“Daily Process of Spark Machine on Electrodes: A Comprehensive Overview“ #factory #machine

#️⃣ #️⃣ A spark machine, commonly referred to as Electrical Discharge Machine (EDM), is used for precision machining through electrical discharges. Here are the crucial operations involved: ✅ Electrical Discharge: The core operation involves generating electrical sparks between an electrode and a workpiece. These sparks erode material from the workpiece, allowing for precise cutting or shaping. ✅ Electrode Shaping: The electrode, usually made of materials like copper or graphite, is shaped to match the desired profile of the workpiece. The electrode is crucial for determining the final shape and accuracy of the machining process. ✅ Dielectric Fluid: A dielectric fluid is used to insulate and cool the electrode and workpiece. This fluid helps in the effective removal of eroded material and maintains the stability of the electrical discharge. ✅ Controlled Erosion: The process requires precise control of the spark frequency, intensity, and duration to