NEW shop! get Meytal merch & albums 👉 Let's be email buddies ► Wanna show your support? become a patron! ► *** BECOME A PATRON ► Let's keep in touch! ► Maximum Meytal ► Merch on Meytalshop ► Wanna buy me a coffee? ► *** Wow. Thinking back to my first drum cover, if you would have told me that one day I'll find myself on a mountain in British Columbia shooting a Tool cover, while working on my first album, while about to launch my instructional dvd/book/cd I would never in a million billion years have believed you. Funny how life works. This shoot was so much fun, the people at Drumeo are the nicest people I've ever met, and such pros (yes, you - Jared, Victor, James & Kyle). It was supposed to be raining that day, and this would have had to be shot in the studio, but by some marvelous twist of fate the weather forecast changed the day before, and we were able to shoot outside. Hooray!! I have to say playing on gravel is much harder then it looks - it was literally impossible to find a good place for the pedals. Had to use muscles I didn't know existed to pull this got the worst sunburn on my back too, so now my back is super tanned while my front is still pale as ever. haha. But on the bright side, did you see this video??? How will I ever be able to shoot another? Next one will have to be shot from a helicopter while I'm skydiving with my set and playing Meshuggah. ------------- BECOME A PATRON ► ---