Fairouz - Al Yawm Oulliqa Aala Khashaba - اليوم علق على خشبة

Fairouz - Al Yawm Oulliqa Aala Khashaba - اليوم علق على خشبة Feast of Resurrection (Greek: Πάσχα), and is known by many names other most famous festival of Easter and “Pesach“ in Aramaic which means resurrection, is the greatest Christian holidays and largest, recalls the resurrection of Christ from the dead three days after his crucifixion and death, as it was written in the New Testament, and it ends with Lent, which usually lasts forty days; ends as Holy Week, the time of the resurrection begins the liturgical year in the continuous forty days until the Feast of Pentecost. In English and German languages it is derived from the old name of the month of April (Eostremonat - Ostaramanoth)