Biden pushes for more investment in U.S. semiconductor industry

백악관, '반도체 화상회의' 개최…바이든 “공격적 투자 필요“ U.S. President Joe Biden held a virtual meeting on Monday with corporate leaders... to encourage them to make infrastructure investments... in America... address the global shortage of semiconductors. Those companies include carmakers, big tech and South Korea's Samsung Electronics, which analysts say will be under more pressure now to add capacity in the U.S. Kim Jae-hee reports. Aggressive investment in semiconductor “infrastructure“ to protect supply chains. That's U.S. President Joe Biden during a virtual summit with chief executives of leading global firms on Monday. “Chips like the one I have here, these chips, these wafers are batteries, broadband, it's all infrastructure. This is infrastructure. So, look, we need to build the infrastructure of today, not repair the one of yesterday.“ He had called for a meeting that featured executives from 19 multinationals... including General Motors, Ford, Alphabet, Intel and Samsung Electronics to discuss the ongoing chip shortage that's taking a toll on various sectors. Most prominently, the auto industry. “China and the rest of the world is not waiting and there's no reason why Americans should wait. We're investing aggressively in areas like semiconductors and batteries that they're doing and others. So must we.“ Analysts focus on President Biden's emphasis on developing a U.S. chip supply chain since most are currently made in Asia and shipped to the U.S. “Biden said semiconductors are infrastructure. What he means, is that semiconductors are just as important to the U.S. as other infrastructure, and he is calling on corporations to invest.“ Following the White House meeting, Intel said it would start producing chips for car plants at its factories in the next six to nine months. And, now it may be Samsung's turn. “Samsung Electronics is under pressure to make large investments in the U.S. but there are many things to consider such as high wages, and manufacturing costs. Also, with tech competition, Samsung may be wary of which side to take.“ Analysts also believe Samsung could be pressured to quickly confirm the construction of a new U.S. chip factory that's been in the plans in addition to its Austin factory. Kim Jae-hee, Arirang News. #Biden #US #semiconductor 📣 Arirang News(Facebook) : 📣 Arirang News(Twitter) : 📣 News Center(YouTube) : 2021-04-13, 17:00 (KST)