Police DEFY Court?! Guns Legally Purchased are FELONIES! Illinois got Even Crazier! Freedom Week!

On January 10, 2023, Illinois enacted the Protect Illinois Communities Act (PICA). PICA is a sweeping assault on the 2nd Amendment and banned around 170 common types of firearms plus other magazines and accessories. It carries with it draconian penalties that classify lawful gun owners in the same category as kidnappers and rapists. Then, a federal court judge issued a preliminary injunction pausing the application of the law. This created “Freedom Week“, the unscheduled 6 day moratorium on PICA. During those 6 days, countless Illinois residents had another crack at purchasing the weapons and items protected by the 2nd Amendment but banned by the law. The injunction was lifted after 6 days by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. Following Freedom Week the Illinois State Police issued a statement declaring all of the items lawfully purchased to be illegal contraband. “Persons who possess a banned firearm or firearm attachment are required to endorse an affidavit by January