Exploring the Philosophy of The Matrix Trilogy

Perennial philosophy is ever present throughout The Matrix Trilogy, this video essay aims to explore that. It is defined as a “perspective in modern spirituality which views each of the world's religious traditions as sharing a single, metaphysical truth or origin from which all esoteric and exoteric knowledge and doctrine has grown”. The trilogy has a whole often gets a bad rap, but I think that all three are incredible achievements, flawed, but beautifully ambitious in ways few films attempt. I explore just a few of the philosophical ideas touched on by The Wachowski's, and hopefully give you a reason to go back and watch them again with a new perspective. A tremendous source when writing this video(a few quotes are pulled directly from it), is a documentary that you can watch on Vimeo called “Return to Source: Philosophy and The Matrix” that goes much deeper than I can in a short video, so if you want to learn more about the philosophy explored in the trilogy, it should be of great in