Lisa Ericson’s Seated Aerobic Workout--perfect for exercising while socially distancing!

Are you stuck in an apartment or house and looking for some aerobic exercise without going outside? You've found it! Although it was conceived by an athletic wheelchair user, anyone, from the fabulously fit to the severely disabled, can get a kickass workout from this video. And you don't need anything but a chair! Plus, since there is no jumping involved, you could do it in the middle of the night without disturbing your downstairs neighbors (as long as you keep the volume down). So when this pandemic is finally over, when everyone else has been sitting on the couch bingeing Netflix, eating junk, and gaining weight, you will be buff from sitting and exercising. Recent studies even show that exercise helps prevent Acute Respiratory Distress in those unfortunate enough to come down with COVID-19. So sit down, and work out! When I met Lisa Ericson in 1987, she was a lovely, vivacious former professional figure skater who had been consigned to a wheelchair by a mis