We meet. Poet of Israel. Marina Gribanova. Встречаем поэта Marina Gribanova, Israel.

Marina Gribanova, Israel She was born in 1968 in the Ural town of Kungur. Maiden name Tsudik, published under the pseudonym Mary Green since 2009. She spent her childhood in Ukraine, then moved to the north. Graduated from the Faculty of Acting and Art Criticism of the Murmansk State Pedagogical Institute (now the Murmansk Arctic State University). She worked at the school of arts as a teacher of theatrical skills, moonlighting at the theater. I have been living in Israel since 2000. She began to write poetry in the fifth grade, having become acquainted with Pushkin's tales, she was fascinated by the beauty of poetic speech. After moving to Israel, under the influence of new impressions, she began to write philosophical poems, turned to landscape, love, urban lyrics. I have been published in magazines and almanacs since 2009. “Tsvetnye strochki“ magazine, “Pozitiv“ newspaper, literary-publicistic almanac “Mginskie bridges“, literary almanac “Ilf and Petrov“ In 2017, she released her first book of poems “Inspiration“ in electronic format under under the pseudonym Mary Green, in a printed copy she presented this collection to readers at the “Book Fair“ in Moscow. I publish in almanacs from the Russian Union of Writers: “Poet of the Year“, “Lyrics“, “Anthology of Russian Poetry“. I am preparing for publication the second collection of poems, with the working title “When the Angel Flies“ Nominated for the national literary prize “Poet of the Year“ and the literary prize “Heritage“. My works were included in the “Anthology of Russian Poetry“. Laureate of the international competition “Parade of Literatures“ and the winner of the international competition “Mginsky Bridges“, winner of the Lift 2020 festival and other poetry competitions. She was awarded medals and diplomas of laureate of poetry competitions. In July 2021 she was admitted to the Writers' Union of North America. In 2021, she changed her pseudonym to Marina Grigens (having encrypted her name in it). There is a literary page on the poetry website. ru, Facebook and You Tude, where my works are presented, both in printed format and in the form of music video compositions. She live in Israel Marina Gribanova, Израиль Родилась в 1968 году в уральском городке Кунгуре. Окончила факультет актерского мастерства и искусствоведения Мурманского государственного педагогического института (ныне Мурманский арктический государственный университет). Печатаюсь в журналах и альманахах с 2009г. Журнал «Цветные строчки», газета «Позитив», литературно-публицистической альманах «Мгинские мосты», литературный альманах «Ильф и Петров» В 2017 году в электронном формате выпустила свою первую книгу стихов «Вдохновение» под псевдонимом Мери Грин, в печатном экземпляре представила этот сборник читателям на «Книжной ярмарке» в Москве. Печатаюсь в альманахах от Российского союза писателей: «Поэт года», «Лирика», «Антология русской поэзии». Готовлю к печати второй сборник стихов, с рабочим названием «Когда прилетает ангел» Номинант национальной литературной премии «Поэт года» и литературной премии «Наследие». Мои произведения вошли в «Антологию русской поэзии». Лауреат международного конкурса «Парад литератур» и победитель международного конкурса «Мгинские мосты», победитель фестиваля Лиффт 2020 и других поэтических конкурсов. Награждена медалями и дипломами лауреата поэтических конкурсов. В июле 2021 года принята в Союз Писателей Северной Америки. В 2021 году поменяла псевдоним на Марина Григенс (зашифровав в нем свое имя). Есть литературная страница на сайте стихи. ру , Facebook и You Tude, где представлены мои произведения , как в печатном формате, так и в виде музыкальных видеокомпозиций . Проживаю в Израиле Happiness The wind plays with a thin cloth By an unclosed window And a white seagull beyond A light wave flew in. And outside the window in a transparent dish, In the bottomless blue of the lakes Two swans, as in an emerald, Against the background of the reflected mountains. In the moonlight, the stars are brighter And the swan “promenade“ With the bend of necks and white “packs“, I was mesmerized by a casual look. At an unclosed window An old man sits half-dead, A hand fell feebly The table is rotten and damp. And on the table - the clock was knocking, A gramophone played quietly there, And a look full of sadness He is fascinated by a magic dance. And he remembered the past time, When I was young and handsome Wife, and lace dress ... And he was impudent and arrogant. And his gaze fell on the photo, What hangs on the wall And something groaned in my heart And Debussy began to play. A smile lit up with happiness His mouth, and he fell silent ... Moon, silent star, I lit up in space for others ... And outside the window in a transparent dish, In the bottomless blue of the lakes Two swans, as in an emerald, Against the background of the reflected mountains