
This is the DRAGOSWINGTSUN Mok Yan Chong Fat-Wooden-Dummy-Form. The Wing Chun forms never contain every movement to which a human beeing is able to. Instead they contain the most common used movement patterns. By this a student is able to get used to these patterns until they become his second nature. The movement patterns within the form serve like tools - they are not 1:1-applications. Thats why a pattern can be used for different purposes. WingChun /Wing Tsun is an evolving art. It was build over generations yet the process of refinement and evolving is going on. In the last 10 years Sifu Dragos developed his own WingTsun lineage due to the fact that “traditional “ WingTsun/Wing Chun contains many missing links/concepts. This lead to a number of modifications and refinements. As soon as a teacher is passing different movements in his everyday training he also is forced to change his forms too. This is logical. Otherwise the movement patters have no value for the students. The DRAGOS WING TSUN forms always keep pace with its actual state of the art. This counts for all forms, even the weapons. If you are interested in details and explanations of the use and functions of the form patterns of the dummy form just visit our shop website at . A brand new video about the form details will be released soon. Many greetings to all WingChun / WingTsun enthusiasts!