Illusion Of The Time -Movement 6(Without Time, Without Place, Without Body)

Time is relative, its only value is given by what we do as it passes. In Einstein's theory of relativity there is no single absolute time, but each individual has his own personal measure of time, which depends on where he is and how he is moving. At a fundamental level there is no time. There are elementary processes in which those of space and matter interact with each other continuously. The illusion of continuous space and time around us is the blurred vision of this dense swarm of processes. Time is relative, not only because that measured by clocks is very different from the time we perceive and live, but also because ours, the terrestrial one, is a 'local' Time, which is valid only on our planet. It is enough to get out of our atmosphere for things to change radically: just as the concept of high and low no longer exists in space, in the same way, the concept of Time as an absolute entity independent of what happens, is missing, like the same Einstein demonstrated with his theories. Of course, time is relative, even philosophers have been telling us for centuries, and it is no coincidence that many great physicists in history were, and in their turn also philosophers, first of all Einstein. it is the brain that builds our perception of time and provides continuous reworking, but it is only an illusion ... Tangent of a Dream -------------------------------------------------------------------------------