Vojska Srbije koristi Repelent-1 ruski sistem za PED Serbian Army use Russian EW System Repellent-1

#repelent1 #repelentpatrol #krasuha4 #krasukha4 #repellent1 #vojskasrbije #serbianarmy #rusija #srbija #ped #peb #russia #ew #sistem #system #serbia #rv #pvo #airdefense #serbianairdefense #naoruzanje #oruzje #armament #weapons #army #military #vojska #armija The Serbian Army managed to deliver the Russian anti-electronic system “Repellent“, which Serbia bought from Russia more than two years ago, but due to Western sanctions imposed on Russia, it was only recently delivered to Serbia. The entire work of delivering this complex combat system from Russia took place via a third country, so the Repellent-1 ended up in the EW units of the Serbian Army, which cannot be said for the significantly more powerful system of this type, the Krasuha-4, which Serbia also bought in Russia. , but due to the needs of the Russian army, it remained undelivered. The public announcement about the delivery of “Repelent-1“ was made by the President of Serbia while visiting the tactical-technical assembly in the Guards barracks of the Serbian Army in Topchider. This mobile anti-drone system “Repellent-1“ is capable of suppressing or destroying swarms of reconnaissance and attack unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), with very small reflective surfaces and sizes. The system is capable of automatically detecting and neutralizing enemy reconnaissance drones and kamikaze drones at distances of up to 30 kilometers, performing powerful electronic jamming of their steering sensors or satellite navigation links. The system is able to detect drones through their transmission control signals, both in favorable and complex meteorological conditions day and night in the temperature range from -45 to +50 degrees Celsius. This anti-electronic system is located on the chassis of the KAMAZ 63501 truck and is very mobile. The system for anti-electronic effects Repelent-1 works perfectly in pair with the same type of Russian system Krasuha-4, and therefore it is understandable that these two systems for anti-electronic effects were acquired for the Serbian Armed Forces. Vojska Srbije je uspela da dopremi ruski sistem za protiveletronska dejstva “Repelent” koji je Srbija kupila od Rusije pre više od dve godine, ali je zbog zapadnih sankcija nametnutih Rusiji tek skoro dopremljen u Srbiju. Ceo posao dopremanja ovog složenog borbenog sistema iz Rusije se odvijao preko treće zemlje, pa je Repelent-1 završio u jedinicama EI i PED Vojske Srbije, što se ne može reći za znatno moćniji sistem ove vrste Krasuha-4 koji je Srbija takođe kupila u Rusiji, ali je zbog potreba ruske vojske on ostao neisporučen. Javnu objavu o dopremanju “Repelent-1” je učinio predsednik Srbije obilazeći taktičko-tehnički zbor u kasarni Garde Vojske Srbije na Topčideru. Ovaj mobilni anti-dron sistem “Repelent-1” je u stanju je da suzbije ili uništi rojeve izviđačkih i jurišnih bespilotnih letelica (dronova), veoma malih odraznih površina i veličina. Sistem je u mogućnosti da automatski otkrije i neutrališe protivničke izviđačke bespilotne letelice i dronove kamikaze na daljinama od čak 30 kilometara, vršeći snažna elektronska ometanja njihovih upravljačkih senzora ili satelitskih navigacionih veza. Sistem je u stanju da otkrije dronove preko njihovih primo-predajnih signala upravljačkih komandi, kako u povoljnim tako i u složenim meteorološkim uslovima danju i noću u temperaturnom opsegu od -45 do +50 stepeni Celzijusa. Ovaj protivelektronski sistem se nalazi na šasiji kamiona KAMAZ 63501 i veoma je mobilan. Sistem za protivelektronska dejstva Repelent-1 odlično funkcioniše u paru sa istim tipom ruskog sistema Krasuha-4, pa je stoga i razumljivo što su baš ova dva sistema za protivelektronska dejstva nabavljena za Vojsku Srbije.