Avatars Down the Ages

AVATARS DOWN THE AGES Today we have three articles sourced from the Special Information issue of Share International published in 1998. The first covers the history of mankind, the second introduces the Teachers who have always been with us guiding and inspiring. The final article brings us up-to-date with the relationship between the Master Jesus and Maitreya. We’ll start with a contribution by Aart Jurriaanse - a South African author who has written a number of books based on the teachings of Alice A. Bailey. Titled: “Evolution of humanity began over 18 million years ago”, it begins… The history of mankind is much older than is generally accepted. The Ageless Wisdom teachings postulate that it is not less than 18.5 million years since the individualization of animal-man. The following article is a brief summary of some of the most significant developments in his evolution. About 21 million years ago animal-man made his appearance on the world scene, as a separate species in the animal