1 Hour of Arab Nasserist Music

0:00 National Anthem of the United Arab Republic 5:36 El Geal El Saed (The Rising Generation) 15:06 Al Watan al Akbar (The Greatest Homeland) 26:54 Aihlif Bisimaha Wabitrabiha (I Swear By Her Name and Her Soil) 29:02 Kulu 'akh Earabiin 'akhi (Every Arab Brother Is My Brother) 33:21 Nasir! (Nasser!) 39:26 Diqat Saeat Aleamal Althawrii (The Hour Has Come For The Revolutionary Action) 40:10 Ya Bihriatan (Oh Freedom) 47:37 Khali alsilah sahi (Keep The Weapon Awake) 49:27 Feda'ey (My Sacrifice)