Yoda, Luke Skywalker, & Jesus?

As a child I was mesmerized by the Star Wars movie series (IV, V, and VI). I had watched them so often I could recite almost every line from all three movies. My parents did not raise me in the New Age (New Spirituality) or any religion for that matter. My temple was mostly the theater and my doctrines formed from the movie mysticism I fed upon. I can say without equivocation that Star Wars was one of the greatest influences on the false understanding I grew to embrace pertaining both to God and to myself. There may be readers thinking that compared to the horror and gore riddled throughout today’s TV, video game, and movie entertainment, Star Wars is really nothing more than a benign sci-fi alternative featuring fanciful creatures, heroes, and villains from galaxies far, far away. But nothing could be further from the truth. Arguably Star Wars doesn’t contain much graphic gore. Neither is there much in the way of swearing, sex, and intense violence, but there is most definitely a message; one that is diabolical and deceitfully destructive through and through. It is a message that resonates with people from around the world and was intentionally designed to cement one simple idea into the hearts and minds of everyone watching, “May the force be with you.” The rest of this article will focus on several main points that readers should then be able to use to share with others. Hopefully these tools will add light to a message that has very much been injected and embraced even by many Christian families. Continue reading the article here: #StarWars #Yoda #LukeSkywalker #GeorgeLucas