Grumpy Cat Tardar Sauce: Nothing makes this cat even screaming fans and a book deal

Grumpy Cat Tardar Sauce is so famous fans have travelled from Australia to Arizona in the US to meet her but she still looks unhappy. Report by Ashley Fudge. Subscribe to ITN News! More great animal videos: More animal antics: Elephant seal stops traffic: Slam-dunking sea otter Eddie plays basketball: Kangaroos storm golf course: Testosterone fuelled stag chases man: Dogs learn to drive in New Zealand: Irate man chases Fenton the dog in Richmond Park: Buttermilk the leapfrogging goat: Monkey in a coat spotted at Ikea: Stray dog runs to Tibet: Fireman resuscitates dying dogs: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Visit our homepage: See our Top 20 Most Watched Videos: See 2012's Most Watched Videos: