Madame Web: Dakota Johnson’s Superhero Movie Debut

Dakota Johnson will be the lead in the movie Madame Web which is a spin-off of Spider-Man. Madame Web tells the origin story of one of Marvel’s most mysterious heroines. In Marvel comics, Madame Web is a clairvoyant who can see the future with vision. She often provides guidance to Spider-Man when needed. Her secret identity is Cassandra Webb, a blind, paralyzed, and telepathic mutant who gets a job as a professional medium. Meanwhile, Madame Web’s movie synopsis will focus on the revelation of Madame Web’s past and her relationship with three young women who are destined for a strong future. Madame Web will be released in theaters to coincide with Valentine’s Day, February 14, :// @dyanahansen48/the-killer-david-finchers-latest-movie-about-a-hitman-5e06b121735d #19641